? Keith Richardson - 1961 - 2024?
The funeral of Keith took place today at Woollensbrook Cemetery & Crematorium to pay respect to a much loved coach of Bury Rangers. Surrounded by close family and friends.
Thank you to @sbone92 for arranging the flowers on behalf of the club. Keith would of loved them.
The Passing Of A Footballer
by Michael Ashby
Football’s a match made in heaven
Which is fan-tastic news for me
And heaven’s a level playing field
Where anyone can kick off for free.
The referee needs no introduction
Or whistle for a foul blow
When God raises his eyebrows
None argue with the penalty or throw.
The transfer window never closes
As new players arrive all the time
There’s always a top team to play on
As for the kit, I just wish I’d brought mine.
We kick off-side by side in a minute
Cheered by old family, teammates and friends
Football’s really a blast in heaven
After your first whistle, the matches never end!
#rip #forkeith #buryrangersgirls #footballfamily