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Bury Rangers FC - End Of Season Update

Bury Rangers FC - End Of Season Update

Darrell Carter18 May 2020 - 21:08

Chairperson Jason Levy outlines this year’s key messages

Presentation Day - Hertford Theatre
As Part of Bury Rangers FC’s ongoing commitment to the welfare and protection of it’s players, parents, coaching staff and anyone associated with the club, the committee has taken the difficult decision to cancel this year’s Presentation Day awards ceremony, Sunday 14th June. The club invests an awful lot of time and money in making the awards ceremony a celebration of the season and a special day for all our players, but we cannot risk the health of anyone with the COVID-19 pandemic still at large within the community and social distancing measures in place, we hope you understand our decision and will make sure the 2021 day makes up for our loss this year.

Physical Awards
The committee still wants players and coaching staff to be rewarded for their efforts this season. With this in mind, U10s-U17s age groups will still receive a physical trophy, which will be handed out to parents via Age Group Managers (AGMs) later in the year (September a likely date). U18s age group, Inclusive and U6-U9s will receive their trophies end of June, to be distributed to parents via AGMs. Further details regarding collection of trophies to follow.

Virtual Awards
In place of a physical awards ceremony, Bury Rangers is investing in a virtual awards ceremony, creating videos in every age group which will reveal this year’s superstar players, along with a highlights video for use across the club site and social media platforms. Parents will be asked to film players on phones, tablets and other recording devices and upload the clips to a designated site, which will then be edited in the style of a Premiership Player walk on intro by a professional film company. It might sound complicated, but it really isn’t… Instructions to parents via AGMs will follow shortly.

2020/2021 Season
There will be no increase on the price for player membership across all sections of the club, holding at £220 per season, a fantastic value taking into consideration the superb facilities on offer to every player at the club. With the continued use and investment of Richard Hale’s 3G pitch, the club benefits from having one of the best playing pitches in the country.

Continued Investment
The club continues to look at ways in which we can enrich our player’s journeys during their time with us, while providing the best possible services to parents and our coaching staff.
Plans are being drawn up to create an all-year-round viewing platform and refreshment area at Richard Hale for parents and players of Bury FC and visiting teams. We also continue to invest in our coaching staff, with two UEFA B coaches within the club and coaches moving from basic Level One requirements to Level Two and beyond.
Walking Football sessions for the over 50s was launched at the beginning of 2020 and was an immediate success, with regular players and growing teams, while our Inclusive section continues to provide football for children and young adults with physical and mental learning difficulties. These two parts of the club are especially important, providing not just physical exercise to the players but providing mental wellbeing too. For the new season will be looking to extend and increase numbers across Walking Football and Inclusive, we have the capacity and support to facilitate double the numbers, reaching far and wide across the community and offer free football to the over 50s and all children (U8-U18) with physical disabilities and special needs.

We’re especially proud of the younger Bury Rangers players who give up their own time to help coach the Inclusive team and also the U6 and U7 age groups, along with the continued dedication of the Bury Rangers coaching staff. A big thank you to you all.

New Season Club Shop
The bury kit, colours and badge makes us who we are and define us as one of the best FA Charter Standard Community Clubs in Hertfordshire. Our hat and scarf merchandise at the end of last year proved to be a great success and will be available for the coming winter season, along with new kit options across all sections for players and coaching staff and parents as we move across to a new club shop.

Kit Sponsorship Opportunities
With the start of any new season comes the opportunity for local businesses to support the club with kit sponsorship. Investing in kit sponsorship provides a raft of benefits, including repeat advertising of your brand or logo week after week, brand awareness at a physical level and across the Bury Rangers website and social media platforms, plus the wider rewards of supporting youth football and the benefits it brings local communities. For anyone interested in kit sponsorship, speak with your AGM or contact for more details.

Further reading