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HGFPL Meetings 1 of 2

1. HGFPL Coaches Meeting - 23 Jan 2018

Whole game system
There have been teething issues with the system as expected but league working with FA to resolve them.
To de-register a player, email Martin who will sort this out and notify you he has done this. You can then delete player from club.

Competitive fixtures
Michelle has been off and fixtures have been delayed in being organised. She is hoping to have them on full-time by this weekend.

Agreed at the beginning of the season, U16’s fixtures would finish by the end of February to accommodate GCSE’s. It is now likely some league fixtures and Shield cup fixtures will go into March. Please communicate with the league should fixtures be a problem.

Child Friendly
Some teams have been missing from the Whole Game System which has impacted on organizing fixtures. Some fixtures have been changed and others allocated where teams are playing each other twice in short space of time. Fixtures are organized by the system not the league.

Where teams are getting heavily beaten frequently, speak with Nicky about changing leagues if its appropriate.

Rest week notification
Reminder to get rest week requests in should you have players unable to make games during the Easter holidays.

All cards will need to be returned to the league at the end of the season. An email will go out to explain the process.
Can any outdated photos be updated on the Whole Game System? We might need to have a conversation about how we approach this as a club, e.g ask parents to do it or teams admins etc
Any new registrations need to be in by 28/2/18

7-a-side football festival
U10 festival is being held on 3/2/18 in Baldock
U11 festival is being held on 24/2/18 in Baldock
Speak to Mel for info – Siobhan - have we been sent any info on these?

Charter Standard
Some clubs have not got expected requirements in place, e.g. 3 teams without CRC cleared coaches. These teams are being suspended. Jeff – Potters Bar U13’s were the only team I thought may effect Bury teams.

The league Referee secretary has stepped down due to personal circumstances. Taking his place are Paul Carter and Norman Appleby. Paul is obviously know to us at Bury and I’m sure will be an even greater source of info and help having links to the league. He will continue to organize refs for our Bury fixtures, whilst organizing refs for other clubs in the East of the county.